Copyright 版權(quán)
A:Tell your graphic artists to go back to the drawing board for our new logo design. I just saw the prototype that came out of your department last week. It just wonu2019t work.
B:Why? Whatu2019s the problem?
A:It is way too similar to the Nike swoosh. Donu2019t you know? Thatu2019 s copyrighted. If we come out with something even close to the design they have, we could be legally liable. Theyu2019d sue us in a heartbeat.
B:I saw the design. We had a team of all-star designers on it. I donu2019 t think it resembled Nikeu2019 s logo at all. Thatu2019s a huge stretch of the imagination to say our design would violate their copyright.
A:Our legal department doesnu2019t think so. They reviewed the copyrighted images from Nike. After discussion with our general manager, they determined it would be copyright infringement to place this design on our products. Itu2019 s better to be safe than sorry.
B:What if we modified the design a little bit. Say we change the color. Do you think that would be enough to differentiate from the copyrighted image?
A:Nope. The verdict from the legal department is to start from scratch. This time come up with something more creative.
B:More creative?
A:Not only do we have to worry about not overstepping bounds with copyright, but we also want something different from everyone else. We want to stand out to our consumers. Come up with something good, then we'll set our own copyright on it.
B:Okay. Looks like itu2019s back to square one.
Performance Reviews 業(yè)績(jī)?cè)u(píng)估
A:Letu2019s go over Fridayu2019 s performance reviews.
B:Most of them were pretty positive. Take Tom Clark for example. Heu2019s extroverted, which makes him a very effective salesman. You can see his sales for this quarter are a record high for our company. Heu2019s also easygoing and very friendly. Add that to his good looks, and you can see why heu2019 s so popular, in and out of the office!
A:Yes, Iu2019ve also heard that heu2019s a ladyu2019s man. Well, that is actually a strike against him in the performance review. It seems like he has trouble keeping his private life and professional life separate. He has been involved in several office romances that have been detrimental to employee professionalism and performance.
B:He was censored for the two incidents, and since then, he has corrected his behavior. I think that says a lot for his character.
A:Do you recommend him for a raise, then?
B:I think heu2019s deserving of a promotion because he has brought a lot of profit to the company.
A:What about John Martin? His report wasnu2019 t so hot. Heu2019s always making excuses, he has no common sense, and he lacks responsibility.
B:You can see his sales record is less than impressive. He is hard to deal with. After disciplinary action, he complained to the Board of Directors with charges of discrimination. It seems he always ignores his faults and criticizes others.
A:Just between you and me, I canu2019 t stand the guy. But itu2019s very difficult to fire him. He landed this position because of his parents. They are very influential stockholders.